Quantum-Healing Hypnosis Therapy®
About QHHT®
Alice is honored to soon be a provider of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy®, a powerful technique developed over the prolific 40+ year career of Dolores Cannon, a renown hypnotherapist and psychic medium. QHHT® involves inducing a theta-level trance state through which the therapist and client might directly access an omniscient, omnipotent and wise aspect of the self. Dolores Cannon referred to this brainstate as the "Subconscious," which is not to be confused with the psychodynamic Freudian concept of the Subconscious. She refers instead to an internal and universal level of Truth consciousness which pervades the All. You might refer to this ultimate source of energy as your Higher Self, Guides, the Oversoul, the Collective Unconscious, Spirit, Source, or God. The Subconscious has stated to Dolores that it "does not care what we call it, it simply ‘Is’ and is willing to work with those with a pure heart and true intent." (dolorescannon.com) This quantum-level Source is perpetually present in the background as a witness, across lives, and with QHHT®, we give it the permission to come to the forefront to be heard. When approached in a respectful, humble, and curious way, it is capable of providing insight, resolution, and healing for any emotional or physical complaint.
Through guided visualization, clients are lulled into the deep brainwave level of Theta, which is a natural state of the brain traversed by your consciousness at least twice a day– just prior to drifting off to sleep or rising. Most hypnotists work in the alpha brain wave state and the field has historically "avoided conducting research with subjects in the theta state because of the often strange and inexplicable results that are recorded." (dolorescannon.com) Therapists who work with clients in this state find this to be an incredibly powerful way to work with any person.
While the client is under trance, the therapist dialogues and works with the Subconscious to find the answers to questions the client brings to the session and then the Subconscious takes the client back to specific memories or experiences that will help them to find healing. More often than not, people review energetic memories of one or more past lives in which they find players from their current incarnation, revisit life experiences and soul lessons, and receive oracle information which will propel them forward in their spiritual development and life path. In the theta levels of consciousness, a person may enter the powerful somnambulistic state in which they seemingly become the past-life self, as if narrating from and directing a lucid dream in real time, answering questions about context, relationships, and major life themes.
"The Subconscious[…] gave her and practitioners of her QHHT® technique access to past lives and performs instantaneous healings when appropriate. Over her 45-year career, her technique has proven to be effective on thousands of people all over the world regardless of their age, gender, personality, physical symptoms, religious beliefs or cultural backgrounds. Supplementing the vast body of work Dolores had produced, the results experienced by QHHT® Practitioners, students of Dolores who have learned her technique and practice it with their own clients, conclusively support the finding that we have all lived multiple other lives and we all have a Subconscious which contains the answers to any question we may have about ourselves or the life we are living." [https://dolorescannon.com/about-qhht/]
What can I expect in a QHHT® session?
QHHT® is performed in one session usually lasting between 5-7 hours. Your therapist will spend time developing familiarity with you, your life, and the questions you will bring. After 2+ hours getting to know your intimate inner world, we move into the hypnosis work. Through guided visualization the therapist and the Subconscious leads you into the past life (or lives) with the most potential to facilitate insight in your current incarnation. Through this visualization and dialogue with the past, the consciousness will experience moving through several "scenes" of the former life all the way through the death scene. The client often experiences the sense of being an observer as the persona of the past life steps to the forefront to reflect and provide relevant information. After you move through one or sometimes more past lives, the therapist invites in your Higher Self to access wisdom and ask for insight into present-life concerns in relation to the energetic past-life heritage, and healing for those who are ready.
Once the session is complete, your therapist will guide you back to a normal state of consciousness. the session you will feel as though you have taken a very pleasant nap. Some remember the time under trance and say that it felt like they were watching as an outside observer, and some remember nothing. We will record audio of the 2 hours of past life and Subconsious work. It make take time for the healing to take full effect, however many are healed instantaneously in session.
“The consciousness that says ‘I Am’ is not the consciousness that thinks.”
Jean-Paul Sartre